"Designing Your Organization" is a hands-on guide that provides managers with a set of practical tools to use when making organization design decisions Based on Jay Galbraith's widely used Star Modeаъбзкl, the book covers the fundamentals of organization design and offers frameworks and tools to help leaders execute their strategy The authors address the five specific design challenges that confront most of today's organizations: Designing around the customer Orбйжщчganizing across borders Making a matrix work Solving the centralization/decentralization dilemma Organizing for innovation "Designing Your Organization" is written for managers and leaders who make critical choices about organizational strategy and execution as well as for human resource and organization design and development professionals who help implement these decisions This important resource includes a CD-ROM Прилагаемый к изданию диск (CD-ROM) упакован вбрсщы специальный бумажный конверт и вложен внутрь книги Авторы Amy Kates Jay R Galbraith.