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Plunkett's Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics Industry Almanac (+ CD-ROM) W Plunkett Jack W Plunkett инфо 6854j.
Plunkett's Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics Industry Almanac (+ CD-ROM) W Plunkett Jack W Plunkett инфо 6854j.

Now, there's Plunkett Research Online! Online access to all of our data on dozens of industries and thousands of companies -regularly updated All employees of a corporation, all students of a business school аъбжйor even an entire university can have access to Plunkett Research Online's unique data Our newest book editions and updates are posted automatically - before they are available in print! Thousands of company profiles can easily be searched using a wide array of criteбйжшцria All profiles are easily printable, and you also have several options for exporting vital data Instant access to our databases of statistics, glossaries of key industry terms and contact lists of industry associations Our online service is fully searchable by keyword so that users can quickly find the subject area and data they are seeking Формат: 22 см х 28 см Прилагаемый к изданию диск CD-ROM упакован в специальный целлофановый конверт и вложен внутрь книги Автор брсштJack W Plunkett Jack W Plunkett.