Public-private collaboration in infrastructure projects takes place in a variety of institutional frameworks worldwide This volume considers the different cultural, political and legal settings in the US, UK,аъбеь Japan and other countries and regions where policymakers are reconsidering traditional mechanisms for raising and deploying capital By focusing on concrete examples in specific countries, the editors and contributors draw useful lessons for strong sector performancбйжшнe in telecommunications, power, water and social infrastructure Innovative strategies that work can be modified and refined in other sectors and other countries Going beyond ideological debate, this volume presents a pragmatic approach to best practice, one that combines market-oriented solutions with governmental oversight according to the specific cultural and institutional situations Regulators, academics, policymakers, politicians, and students in public policy, finance and ecбрсшзonomics will find this volume practical and original Авторы Сэнфорд В Берг Sanford V Berg Майкл Г Поллитт Michael G Pollitt Масатсуга Тсуджи Masatsugu Tsuji.